The Promise of Being Met by Jesus
Mark 10:17-31
by Will Willimon

One night, in a college dormitory Bible study I presented this same story of Jesus and the rich man, just as I've presented it to you. I then asked the gathered students, "What do you make of this story?"

"Had Jesus ever met this man before?" asked one of the students?

"Why do you ask?" I asked.

"Because Jesus seems to have lots of faith in him. He demands something risky, radical of him. I wonder if Jesus knew this man had a gift for risky, radical response. In my experience, a professor only demands the best from students that the professor thinks are the smartest, best students. I wonder what there was about this man that made Jesus have so much faith he could really be a disciple."

Wow. Didn't think about that.

Another student said thoughtfully, "I wish Jesus would ask something like this of me. My parents totally control my life just because they are paying all my bills. And I complain about them calling the shots, but I am so tied to all this stuff I don't think I could ever break free. But maybe Jesus thinks otherwise."

Well, I was astounded. What I had heard as severe, demanding BAD news, these students heard as gracious, GOOD news.

Jesus invites people to be his disciples: Divest! Break free! Let go of your stuff! Follow me! I believe you can do it!

Such is the peril - and the promise - of being met by Jesus!

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., by Will Willimon