The Power to See
Ephesians 3:14-21
by Staff

If you are like most people, the first time you looked into a microscope all you saw was a fuzzy gray blur. But when you got everything in right adjustment, and got your seeing eye in precisely the right position, there it was! A living thing pulsating with life, a tiny paramecium or amoeba, or whatever it was you were trying to see.

Here we are today in Christian worship. Here we look at life: we look into heights and depths - deep within ourselves and into the far reaches and ranges of what we are. And we look to God.

May God help us to adjust the powers of our vision that we may see as we have not seen before, that things may come into focus for us and be clear, that by the aid of faith we may discover what we otherwise could never know. May this time of worship be a discovery time, a time of better seeing, a time of deeper understanding. And so may we go from here equipped with a finer insight for the ventures of living which are out there ahead of us.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, by Staff