The Power of One Passion and One Prayer
Acts 1:6-14
by King Duncan & Angela Akers

Have you ever heard a story that was so exciting and tense that you were practically sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to find out the ending?

Rev. Harry B. Parrott Jr. tells of listening to a radio broadcast of a pastor who also piloted his own small plane. The pastor had been in Detroit for some meetings, then he jumped in his plane and headed back toward his home in Escanaba, Michigan.

As he flew over Lake Michigan, he experienced engine trouble. The engine was stopping and starting, stopping and starting. His instrument gauges didn’t indicate anything was wrong. But he was in serious trouble.

At that moment, the preacher’s sermon got cut off by the radio announcer reading an ad for a local funeral home. (1)  

Wouldn’t you hate to miss the ending to a really exciting story? Author Charles Dickens, who is famous for writing such classics as A Christmas Carol, Great Expectations, and A Tale of Two Cities, also wrote a serialized novel titled The Mystery of Edwin Drood. His plan was to write the novel in twelve installments published in a monthly magazine.

Halfway through the series the title character Edwin Drood disappears under mysterious circumstances. Not long after publishing the sixth installment, Charles Dickens died. His last novel was left unfinished, and audiences will never know how or why Edwin Drood disappeared. (2)

It’s interesting to note that Charles Dickens is credited with creating the “cliffhanger,” that moment of unresolved tension in a story that kept his readers begging to know the ending. Back in 1841, he published his novel The Old Curiosity Shop in installments in a monthly magazine. At one point, he had put the most beloved character in the novel, Little Nell, into a life-or-death situation. A journalist from New Yorker magazine reported that a crowd of men gathered on the dock of the New York Harbor waiting for the ship to bring the next installment of his story. As the captain navigated the ship into the harbor, the men screamed at him, “Is Little Nell dead?” (3) Charles Dickens knew how to keep his audiences on the edge of their seats.

I think our Bible story today has at least three cliffhanger moments in it, moments when everyone is sitting on the edge of their seat. The first one comes in this first verse we read in Acts 1:  Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”

Let’s stop right there for a second. After Jesus rose from the tomb, he appeared to his disciples. Over the next forty days, he spent time teaching them about the kingdom of God. At some point he told them to wait in Jerusalem because he was going to baptize them with the Holy Spirit. In response to the promise of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ disciples gathered around him and asked him that question: “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”

Here’s our first cliffhanger moment. The kingdom of Israel had been destroyed more than 700 years earlier. The disciples believed Jesus would use his divine power to restore it. After witnessing his resurrection, they were sure he was the promised Messiah, and nothing was impossible for him.  

But Jesus said, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.

They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.  “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”    

There’s our second cliffhanger moment. After promising his disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came on them, he ascends into heaven and disappears. Two angels appear to them and tell them that Jesus will come back someday in the same manner in which he left.

And our passage ends with the third cliffhanger. After the disciples return to Jerusalem, they gather together in one place. Verse 14 reads, “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.”

Imagine what Jesus’ followers were thinking at this point. What were they going to do without him? They had seen him die a horrible death and rise again. They finally understood his plan for establishing God’s kingdom in human lives. And they’d been given an assignment, a calling, greater than anything they could imagine or accomplish under their own power.

Can you picture this moment in your mind? Can you feel the excitement and tension his followers were experiencing? I hope so. Because we are them. We have been given the same assignment, the same calling, as they have. And there’s no way we can accomplish it under our own power. So what did they do to prepare themselves for their calling?

First, they joined together in one passion and one prayer. That’s the first step in receiving the Holy Spirit. Let’s look at verse 14 again: “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.” The word “together” in this sentence is actually a compound Greek word that means “same passion.” It’s also used to signify “one mind.” The first time this word ever appears in the New Testament is here in Acts 1:14. This diverse group of men and women were so committed to receiving the Holy Spirit and living out their calling that they joined together with one passion and one prayer. And they waited for God’s promise to be fulfilled in their lives.

There are a couple of lessons from the art of improv acting that I think apply well here. Improv acting or improv comedy is an art form, and it’s a learned skill. Although it looks like it’s entirely spontaneous, there are certain rules that guide improv entertainers. But the first rule of improv is the most important one, and I think it applies well to this early group of believers in our Bible passage for today.

The first rule of improv is “Yes, and.” For instance, two actors may walk out on a stage. They have no scene or dialogue prepared. One actor says to the other, “Well, how did he take the news?”

The other actor can freeze in uncertainty. She can try to change the scene to something she likes. Or she can grab that cue and invent a few more lines of dialogue to further that scene.

For improv to work, both actors have to enter the scene with a “Yes, and” mindset. “Yes, and” is an attitude of openness, a willingness to move forward even in uncertain situations. It’s a leap of faith. (4)

I think that early group of believers prayed with a “Yes, and” mindset. They were open to receiving whatever God had to give them. They were willing to move forward even in an uncertain situation. They were taking a leap of faith. What could God do with us if we had that same mindset? How could God use us if we joined together with one passion and one prayer?

Stephen Covey and Rebecca Merrill, in their book First Things First, ask their readers, “What is the one activity that you know if you did superbly well and consistently would have significant positive results in your personal life?”

Stop and think about that question for a moment: “What is the one activity that you know if you did superbly well and consistently would have significant positive results in your personal life?” I believe that if we prayed passionately, consistently, and in a spirit of unity, we would receive the Holy Spirit, just as God promised the believers back then. And the positive impact God could make in and through us by His power is beyond anything we could ask for or imagine. It’s beyond our wildest dreams.

But Stephen Covey and Rebecca Merrill follow up with one more thought-provoking question: “If you know these things would make such a significant difference, why are you not doing them now?” (5)

The first thing the believers did to receive the Holy Spirit was to join together in one passion and one prayer.

The second thing the believers did is they exchanged their priorities for God’s greater purposes. They exchanged their priorities for God’s greater purpose. They set aside all other priorities in order to pray and wait for the Holy Spirit. They knew that once they received the Holy Spirit, everything else in their lives would take second place to their one calling, to be God’s witnesses in the world.  

Rev. Eric Ritz shares a story from Dr. William Willimon, the former Chaplain at Duke University. In his book What’s Right with the Church, Dr. Willimon tells of receiving a call from the father of one of his students, Anne. Anne’s father was concerned that his daughter had dropped out of pharmacy school. This father knew of his daughter’s great respect for Dr. Willimon, so he asked him to intervene in the situation.

Dr. Willimon was surprised to discover that Anne had dropped out of pharmacy school after hearing one of his sermons about God’s purpose for our lives. She admitted that she had enrolled in pharmacy school because she wanted to make a lot of money. But after his sermon, she decided to commit her talents and energy to serving God.

Anne said, “. . . I remembered that good summer I spent working with the church literacy program among the migrant workers’ kids. I really think I was serving God then. I decided after your sermon to go back there and give my life to helping those kids have a chance at life.” (6)

Sometimes these stories from the Book of Acts, from the New Testament, can seem so unreal, so removed from our lives and experiences that we stop listening to them. We have stopped expecting God to act with great power in our world. We have stopped expecting God to save lives, to change lives. We expect to walk out of these church doors the same people we were when we walked in.

But notice this gathering of early believers we read about in our Bible passage this morning. They prayed and waited for God to change them. They joined together with one passion and one prayer. They were determined not to stop until God poured out His Holy Spirit on them. They committed themselves to taking up God’s purposes as their sole priority for the rest of their lives. These folks were never going to be the same again. And because of their passion and their prayers and their commitment, they spread the message of Jesus Christ almost to the ends of the earth.

I say “almost” because there is still work to do. If we call ourselves followers of Jesus, then we have been given the exact same promise and the exact same calling. Until the message and love of Jesus has reached the ends of the earth, we’ve still got work to do.    

Someone once asked General William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, how he created a powerfully successful ministry that changed so many lives. General Booth said, “From the day I got the poor of London on my heart and the vision for what Jesus Christ would do for them, I made up my mind that God should have all of William Booth there was; and if anything has been achieved, it is because God has had all the adoration of my heart, all the power of my will and all the influence of my life.” (7)

What could God do through you if He had all the adoration of your heart, all the power of your will and all the influence of your life? Giving your all to God begins with having one passion and one prayer, then exchanging your own priorities for God’s purposes. Are you willing to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and let it transform your life? If so, then God will do in and through you more than you could ever dream of accomplishing on your own.

1. Rev. Harry B. Parrott, Jr., 2812 Eighth Street, N., St. Petersburg, FL 33704, American Baptist Church of the Beatitudes.

2. “Why 15 Masterpieces Were Abandoned Before They Were Finished,” May 13, 2019,

3. “The curious staying power of the cliffhanger.” The New Yorker, 28 November 2017. Archived from the original on 1 December 2017.

4. “The rules of improv can make you funnier. They can also make you more confident” by Oluwakemi Aladesuyi, Life Kit, November 29, 2022.

5.  Steven J. Cole,

6. Dr. William H. Willimon, What’s Right with the Church (Harper & Row, 1985), p. 112, cited in St. Paul’s Letters to the Philippians by The Reverend Eric S. Ritz.

7. John C. Maxwell, Deuteronomy: The Communicator’s Commentary, (Waco: Word Books, 1987), p.107. Cited by Dan Jackson.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., Dynamic Preaching Second Quarter Sermons, by King Duncan & Angela Akers