The Potent Word of God
Hebrews 4:12
by Editor James S. Hewett

The Epistle to the Hebrews is difficult to translate because so much of the content concerns the Jewish culture and religious rituals that are totally foreign to the Agra people who live in the northern Philippines. However, some parts of the epistle really make sense to them, like the verse in Hebrews 4:12, "The Word of God is living and potent."

Depending upon the context, the Agra word madagat can mean stinging, venomous, or potent. A poisonous snake is madagat, but so are some medicines that can heal. A translation assistant explained his understanding of how the Word of God is potent: "It depends upon how we approach it. If we disregard it, it's like the poisonous snake. But if we live by it, its potency is like medicine."

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett