The Post-it Note
Matthew 24:36-44

I heard about a poor woman who had to patch up a friendship with a co-worker at the office. It seems that Mary was planning her Thanksgiving Day meal. Her in-laws were all going to be there, and she was in quite a tizzy trying to make sure everything turned out perfectly. She had post-it notes everywhere, reminding her of things she needed to pick up and things she needed to do.

Her friend Sharon stopped by her desk at lunchtime on Wednesday. “Are you ready for lunch? This is the day you promised to take me out to Applebee’s for my birthday.”

“Oh, yes indeed, Sharon!” said Mary as she tried to cover herself for having forgotten Sharon’s birthday. Sharon was a sensitive sort who got her nose bent out of shape at any perceived slight.

Mary thought everything was just fine as they got into the car. But then, as she settled into her seat, Sharon, in a very sarcastic voice shouted, “Thanks a lot, Mary!”

Mary asked, “What’s wrong now?” Her friend pointed to the post-it note stuck to Mary’s dashboard. It read, “Take out the turkey!”

Christianglobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations