The Political Versus the Spiritual
Matthew 22:15-22
by Greg Rickel

The Church should not be doing the business of the Government, and the Government should not be doing the business of the Church. But, those are institutions, needed, necessary. They are not living, human beings.

It is like a story I read recently that had the Dean of a Seminary saying to the newest students there, "I want to tell you two things. First, you are probably asking yourself right now how in the world did you get here. Well, give yourself a week and you will be looking at those around you and asking, how in the world did they get here? But, second, I want to tell you that this is not a Christian Seminary." And the students just about fell out of their chairs, and he said, "institutions aren't Christian, people are, and the best we will ever be is a group of Christians working at our faith within this institution." We get very caught up in this too, this notion of a Christian nation, a Christian school, a Christian perspective.

My point is this, we must not blur the lines between our spiritual life and our political life. We can't. In fact, I would submit, that good, faithful people are what keep this government from becoming a religious extension of one kind or another.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Greg Rickel