The Perfect Church
1 Cor. 3 & 13
by Barbara Lundblad

Those of us who are part of the Church know we are not what Jesus called us to be. We spend too much and share too little; we judge too many and love too few; we wait too long and act too late. Perhaps you are saying, "Show me a church where ministers aren't self­-serving; where hypocrisy has been purged away; where church members don't waste time and energy squabbling over petty details; where love is genuine, and I'll become a member." You'll wait a long time, my friend, for such a church takes up no space on this earth. It has floated up, up, up and disappeared beyond Oz.

Or perhaps, such a church lives as a memory a time when disciples believed, when faith could move mountains, and motives were pure.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Barbara Lundblad