The Pearls of Hapsberg
by Maxie Dunnam

The most famous collection of pearls in the world is the renowned “Pearls of Hapsberg.”  They’re perfect in symmetry and highly lustrous.  The pearls have been on display in Vienna, Paris, London, and New York from time to time.  A while ago someone noticed the pearls were appearing dull, losing their luster and sheen.  All sorts of authorities began to work on efforts to restore their shining glow, but all failed.  Finally some authority suggested returning the pearls to their original salt water environment.  It worked!  The pearls of Hapsberg’s luster was restored.

That’s a parable for us.  Our true value is in our everyday environment.  If we try to be something we aren’t, we will lose our identity.  The glow and luster of life comes when we separate ourselves from pretense and sham, when we seek to be the unique persons God intended us to be.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam