In his story "Abel Sanchez," writer Miguel de Unamuno nicely highlights the nature of envy and why it is that the envied person is often trapped by his envy. In his writing he retells the story of the Cain and Abel, and he modernizes it. The Cain character is played by a skilled surgeon who has for years secretly envied his friend, Abel Sanchez, a skilled artist. At one point in the story, the doctor is scrutinizing one of Abel's paintings. This particular painting is a depiction of the Cain and Abel story itself from the Bible. At first, the doctor is convinced that the face of Cain in the painting is modeled on his own face. And he becomes furious! How dare Abel Sanchez use HIM as a model for envy? The gall! The nerve! The implied …
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Comments and Observations, by Scott Hoezee