The Ministry in Interruptions
Matt 9:9-13, 18-34
by Brett Blair

Henri Nouwen wrote about Matthew 9. He said (I'm paraphrasing) that ministry is what happens in the interruptions. In this passage we see several examples of the types of things that can happen through interruptions.

  1. Matthew at work, interrupted by Jesus (v. 9).
  2. Jesus teaching, interrupted by Jairus (v. 18).
  3. Jesus going to Jairus' home, interrupted by the woman (v. 20).
  4. Jesus leaving Jairus' home, two blind men interrupt him (v. 27).

You and I would probably go home very frustrated by this day of interruptions!   "I couldn't get a THING done today!", we would explode to our spouse. Let us pray that God would open our eyes, ears, hands and hearts to such interruptions in which he provides us opportunities to give mercy and love to those who so desperately need it!

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc, by Brett Blair