The Marketplace of Ideas and Finding Your Faith
John 14:5-14
by Larry Bethune

I think both Jesus and Paul listened to people as much as they talked.  Paul was in dialogue with his Greek audience enough to know their beliefs and find God revealed in them. But Paul was also not afraid to put his own Christian faith into the marketplace of ideas.

Wil Willimon and Stanley Haweras have raised this issue on the DukeUniversity campus in our time. According to Willimon, the popular idea that all religions are essentially the same and merely a matter of personal opinion is both intellectually dishonest and ultimately intolerant. As Willimon suggests, "this is merely a way of saying, `Religion is wonderful as long as we first all agree that it doesn't mean anything.'" And any genuine student of world religions knows they are very different from one another in the way they understand the Divine, the human, and the world. No, it is more honest and more respectful to learn the specifics, to understand the differences, and to know what you believe and claim it. It is possible to honor other people, to respect their religious beliefs, to find common ground where it actually exists, and to assert your own faith at the same time. Having a specific faith, talking about a specific faith does not mean you have to be arrogant and intolerant about the faith of others. Says Willimon:

Sometimes the biggest challenge is to admit that all of us are living by some point of view or another. All of us are betting our life on something. We may be betting our life on the point of view that says, "I try not to have any point of view other than the officially enforced point of view that there are no points of view worth acknowledging or living and dying by." Or, there is that point of view that says, "I still have lots of questions about Jesus and his way; of course there is still much about all this that I don't understand, and I fall constantly short of being a faithful follower of Jesus, nevertheless, I am trying. I am convinced that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and I am doing my best to be faithful to that."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Christ on the West Mall, by Larry Bethune