The Lamb Who Was Lost
Luke 3:1-6
by James Garrett

John Killinger has taken some of the parables of Jesus and retold them in the language of Christmas.

What person among you, taking 100 children to the theater for a performance of A Christmas Carol, if you lose one of them, does not stand the other ninety and nine in the theater lobby and go in search of the one that is lost? And when you have found the little tyke, you take it in your arms with rejoicing. And when you get back to the lobby, you say to the others, "Everybody, I have found the lamb who was lost." I tell you, there is more hanging of evergreens in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety and nine just persons, who need no repentance.

Prepare the way of the Lord. No threat. Not a grim warning. A gracious invitation! An invitation to prepare for Christ to be born anew in your heart.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., God's Gift, by James Garrett