The Joyful Possibilities God Offers
Matthew 25:31-46
by King Duncan

There is a Peanuts cartoon strip which goes like this:

Snoopy the dog is feeling great. He comes dancing into the first frame saying to himself: "Sometimes I love life so much I can't express it!"

In the second frame he continues to dance: "I feel that I want to take the first person I meet into my arms and dance merrily through the streets."

Then, in the third frame, he meets very grumpy Lucy. Snoopy is silent.

In the fourth frame, he is dancing again: "I feel that I want to take the SECOND person I meet into my arms and dance merrily through the streets."

When you think about the possibilities that God offers us through the babe of Bethlehem it makes you want to dance.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan