The Jericho Road
Luke 10:25-37
by Robert Beringer

The Jerusalem-Jericho Road of Jesus' day was the scene of one of the most compelling stories our Lord ever told. To this day, the actual road is little more than a strip of rocky terrain which leads us from Jerusalem south to the village of Jericho. What is remarkable is that in just 15 miles, the elevation drops from 2,400 feet above sea level to 1,400 feet below sea level at the Dead Sea. (I will always remember those figures because when I once preached on this parable, I announced that the Dead Sea was 1,400 miles below sea level! Afterward, a parishioner said, "Pastor, I know you preachers go pretty deep for your sermons, but your message this morning takes the cake!")

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Turning Points, by Robert Beringer