The Helpful Blacksmith
Matthew 6:19-24
by Mike Ripski

Once upon a time there was a blacksmith who worked very hard at his trade. It came time for him to die and go to heaven. God sent an angel to get him. But he refused to go. He said, "My neighbors are now planting and sowing their crops, and I'm the only blacksmith in town. If something happens to their equipment, it'll need to be fixed, and if I'm not here to do it, they won't be able to get their crop in. So would you please leave me, so I can serve my neighbors?"

The angel had never run into anybody that didn't want to go to heaven, but the angel pleaded the blacksmith's case with God and God said, "OK."

Later the angel came again and said, "It's time for you to leave this life and enjoy God's eternal life." Again the blacksmith said, "One of our neighbors is very ill, and if we don't help him harvest his crop, his family will be destitute. Will you please leave me, so I can help him get that crop in?"

It became a habit. Every time the angel came, there was always something else for the blacksmith to do. Finally, after many years, he prayed to God, "I think I'm ready. Send you angel." The angel appeared at his bedside. The man said, "If you still want me, I'm ready for you to take me home with God." The angel laughed and said, "Where do you think you've been all these years?"

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc. , ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Mike Ripski