The Grace Side of the Cross
John 3:16
by Author Unknown
Dwight L. Moody was a great evangelist from Chicago. He went to England once and met a young man there that wanted to preach in his church. Moody agreed thinking that he would never see him again. To his dismay he received a letter that said the young man would be in his town shortly and wanted to take him up on the offer. Moody was going out of town that week and agreed to let the man preach, but he warned the deacons to be ready in case it was a real flop. When Moody returned from his business his wife informed him that revival had broken out in his church and that “he needed to be converted”. The young man preached every night on the same text, John 3:16, speaking of the love of God, from his heart. Moody went and he said he was indeed converted. He said “I used to preach the judgment side of the cross, now I focus on the grace side of the cross; I used to preach mainly on the wrath of God, now I preach he said on the love of God.” His life and ministry were forever changed.
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Author Unknown