The Friendship Mirror
Mark 7:24-37
by Philip W. McLarty

A psychologist friend of mine once developed a personal growth seminar entitled, The Friendship Mirror. It began with an exercise in which you were asked to write down the names of ten people you consider to be friends – people you enjoy being with … people you like … people you feel most comfortable relating to. Then he’d ask you to describe them in terms of their age, race, height, weight, education, views, whether they’re married or single, with children or not. When you finished, what you found was a striking similarity between the people you like the best and … are you ready for this? Yourself!

Surprise! We tend to identify most easily with those people who are like us. “Birds of a feather flock together,” they say. Which is nothing new, of course, but it’s something we do well to be reminded of, from time to time, for to grow up is to grow out and to mature in faith is to widen your circle to include those who don’t just mirror your image, but challenge you to think and act in new ways.

The Boundaries of the Kingdom, by Philip W. McLarty