The Direction We Walk
Mark 13:24-37
by Joel D. Kline

Brethren historian Don Durnbaugh tells the story of Rufus Bucher, a noted Church of the Brethren minister and evangelist in the early 1900s. Bucher was called to the ministry in 1901, and in the course of that ministry was one of the most effective leaders of revival or evangelistic meetings that were common in those days. Indeed, Rufus Bucher led more than 200 series of such meetings in thirteen states, reportedly assisting nearly 3000 persons to make commitments to Christ and the church. 

A resident of Lancaster County in Pennsylvania, Bucher reportedly was asked about the growing Pentecostal movement in that area. It was apparent that the questioner was critical, and hoped that Bucher would concur and would join in condemning these "holy rollers" who were shouting and jumping in the aisles. Rufus Bucher is said to have responded: "I don't care how high they jump. What matters is the direction they walk after they come down."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Alert with a Wild Hope, by Joel D. Kline