The Deeper Magic - Sermon Starter
Luke 23:26-43
by Brett Blair

It might surprise you to learn that I did not disapprove of the Harry Potter phenomenon, when it first came out. I do not think that Christians who read these books or watch the movie are in any way practicing witchcraft. The books are first and foremost literature. There is, in the movie and book, a point being made that has nothing to do with witchcraft. I will get to this point in a moment. But first let me throw in a word of caution. If anyone misses the point of the books and rushes headlong into witchcraft or Wicca, or any version of the occults, thinking that there is some power to be had, they have been sorely mislead. They are on a fool's errand and have distorted the author's intent.

Now I know that there are Christian groups around the nation and churches right here in our town that are strongly protesting Harry Potter. I don't dispute that there are concerns. But I was surprised a few weeks ago when I listened to Billy Graham's daughter endorse the series so long as, she qualified, a parent read the books along with their children and used them as an opportunity to teach the children how our Christian beliefs differ from witchcraft. She recognized the literary value of the books but more than that she saw an opportunity for parents and children to discuss a set of values that might otherwise never have been discussed. This is wise council.

Let me tell you the reason I do not disapprove of Harry Potter. Like most of you I have spent a great deal of my life reading. Pastors perhaps read more than most. In seminary we read everything: ancient literature, church Fathers, classical literature, and theological works. Whatever I read, whether it is fiction or non-fiction, the single common element that makes the literature good is this: Does it have a human touch? In the end, does it witness to the best in us and to the worst in us? And, does it tell us through the characters lives how to find our way back home? This is my acid test. And, Harry Potter passes it.

This is one of the main reasons the story of the life of our Lord has had such a profound impact upon the world. It has a human touch. It witnesses to the best and worst in us. And, it ultimately is the story of the One who provides for us the way back home. Let's look at the story.

1. First, it witnesses to the best in us.
2. Second, it witnesses to the worst in us.
3. Finally, it witnesses to the forgiveness that saves us all.

The third point will deal with C.S. Lewis' crucifixion motif (the Deeper Magic) in "The Lion, The Witch, and Wardrobe" comparing and contrasting it with Harry Potter.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair