The Deeper Happening
by Staff

A sweet elderly lady, having attended a worship service in her church, was unable to remember the hymns, the Scripture readings, or what the sermon was about. Some younger people, teasing her about this, said, "It didn't do you much good, did it?" Her reply contains a priceless insight. She said, "Oh, I'm sure it did me a lot of good. I found out long ago that you can't carry water in a wicker basket, but the basket will be a little cleaner because you tried."

Yes, it's usually good to remember, if you can, what was said in church. But, my friend, never let yourself believe that all the values of worship can be carried away in the mind. They cannot - the container just isn't big enough!

Triggered by the outward settings and happenings of the worship hour, things often happen within the human spirit, and many times these effects linger on long after we have forgotten what triggered them. Worship is something we do with the whole of ourselves - mind and soul and spirit and with all the undefined and undiscovered elements which make up the total of what we are. And many of the results of our Sunday tryst with God are deeper within us than mind can ever reach.

Whatever you may or may not remember from this hour, may you be so in touch with God this morning that there will be with you when you go an inward glow of spirit, a warmth of heart, and a joy which no circumstance of tomorrow can ever take away.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, by Staff