The Deal on the Table
by Matthew Olanrewaju

The bank manager calls you up, meets up with you at a meeting in the comfort of your living room, tells you the good news, says your huge crippling mortgage is paid up, old debts written off and all overdraft paid. You say, stop kidding me, manager--what really brings you here. He says, serious--no joke, all monies and debts paid up from the man himself, look, here’s a signed cheque from the man himself. JC.

The deal is on the table, all you need to do is sign and it’s all done for you. Well still skeptical, which is understandable, you still ask, what’s the catch? The small print?

The Bank manager says, no, not this time, there isn’t one. Oh! Sorry he says, you must be obedient to the will of God for this deal to remain in force.

Would you sign it? Or rot in your old miserable ways. That is what the new covenant is all about. Someone paid for your debts to be written off and all he wants in return is an obedient heart. I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU, but I didn’t think about the deal, I’ve already signed it.
The New Covenant, by Matthew Olanrewaju