The Crown of Creation
Genesis 1:1-2:3, Psalm 19:1-14
by John R. Brokhoff

Creation was something only the triune God could do. To create an infinite universe, it took an infinite God. Think of the vastness of the universe. Today astronomers study stars so distant that their light, traveling at 186,000 miles per second, has been moving toward the earth for more than ten billion years. Or consider the age of the universe. Some astrophysicists claim that the universe is from fifteen to twenty billion years of age. For this to be created, there had to be a God who is "from everlasting to everlasting." Then think of the size of the universe. There are billions upon billions of stars, like our sun, that continually burn like thermonuclear furnaces.

Above all, there is the creation of humankind, the very crown of creation. The human being is a marvel of creation. The human body has thirty trillion cells performing 10,000 chemical functions. The body has 206 bones, 639 muscles, and a brain that processes 10,000 thoughts per day and communicates 4,000 messages. The heart beats over 100,000 times daily and pumps blood 168,000,000 miles around the body. Consider the human lungs. The average person takes 23,800 breaths per day to bring 438 cubic feet of air to the lungs.

In light of all this, we can see that only God could create the universe. "The heavens are telling the glory of God and the firmament proclaims his handiwork."

CSS Publishing Company, PRAY LIKE JESUS, by John R. Brokhoff