The Cornerstone
Matthew 21:33-46
by Phil Newton

When we think of modern day builders laying a corner stone, it is generally a small concrete box that contains current newspapers and other documents for future generations to break open and read about what took place during the era of construction. But not so during this period of time. The corner stone was the key to the rest of the structure. The appropriate stone in size and shape would be placed strategically so that the rest of the building might take its alignment and form based on the corner stone. The Maison Carre in Nimes, France, a 2000-year old Roman temple was constructed of huge stones. Pivotal among them was the corner stone; one stone of precise measurements, condition, and shape upon which the rest of the building would stand and be formed.

With this metaphor, the biblical writers established that the kingdom God built would be founded upon Jesus Christ. Every detail in its dimensions, shape, size, and form relates directed to Christ. Without the corner stone the building has no value.

The Cornerstone, by Phil Newton