The Categories of Salvation
Romans 3:23-24
by Brett Blair

Often you see bits of logic like the one below in christian literature. Take a look:

There are four basic categories of salvation:

  1. Those who think they are saved, but aren't. Matthew 7:21-3
  2. Those we think are saved, but aren't. 1 John 2:18-19
  3. Those who are saved, but don't act like it: Corinthians.
  4. Those who are saved, and they act like it.

I would agree with the basic tenets here but of course in more conservative circles this "saved" language takes on a very narrow definition. It's the "born again" thing. Could you not also use the word Christian rather than "saved" and say the same thing? Because doesn't the word saved mean justified. As in Romans 3: "justified freely by his grace." The shift is immediately recognizable. The emphases moves from my actions to be "saved" to the actions of Christ who justified me. 

Finally, don't even try to wedge the word justified in replace of "saved," because then the logic of the 4 points starts to grind to halt. 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Illustrations from ChristianGlobe, by Brett Blair