The Call to Be Champions
Mk 1:14-20
by King Duncan

Some of you football fans will remember when Bo Schembechler was the coach of the Michigan Wolverines. It's said that Schembechler used to work his players especially hard during spring practice to see what kind of young men he had, winners or quitters.  He made a sign with a slogan on it and hung it above the locker room door. The sign read: "Those Who Stay Will Be Champions."

Of course, not everyone stayed. One morning Schembechler came to the office and looked at the sign. Underneath the words "Those Who Stay Will Be Champions" someone had written, "And those who quit will be doctors, lawyers, and captains of industry."

I suppose both those sentiments have truth to them. Either way you will have to stay with one of those callings to be champions. You can't hold on to your nets and save the world.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan