The Bishop Gave it to Him
by Michael B. Brown

Three young boys were talking one afternoon on the school grounds. They were engaged in a heated argument over whose dad was the richest. The children were respectively sons of the local physician, the local banker and the local minister. The doctor's son argued: "My dad is by far the richest. He owns the hospital. Whenever anyone in town gets sick, they go there and he gets their money!" The banker's son countered: "My dad is richer than that. He owns the bank where your dad brings all his money from the hospital, and my dad gets to keep it!" Quickly the minister's son spoke up: "My dad owns hell." The other two boys were dumbfounded. At last one said: "That's impossible. No one owns hell." "Yes, he does!" the child insisted. "How do you know?" asked one of his playmates, to which the minister's child replied: "I know because I heard him tell Mommy last night that he went to see the bishop, and he gave it to him!"

CSS Publishing Company, IT WORKS FOR US!, by Michael B. Brown