The Best Connection
John 15:1-8; Col 2:10
by Eric Ritz

You and I live in the period of history where we have access to more information than ever before. We have so much information that it produces what has been called the "Paralysis of Analysis." It was the poet T. S. Eliot who wrote:

Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge.
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information.

The beauty of our faith is that God gave us more than information; he gave us Himself. He gave us more than rules and outward appearances. He gave us a relationship with him. Colossians 2:10, "In Him you have been made complete." Only he can satisfy your deepest longing and bring order to your innermost being. In Jesus Christ, God's word became flesh. He is alive!

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Eric Ritz