The Bell Was Ringing
Mark 3:20-30
by Maxie Dunnam

One of my favorite preachers, Clarence Forsberg, tells a story about a man who realized his life-long ambition by going on a safari in Africa. 

"He took along his wife, even though she was not the outdoors type. They set up camp in a jungle cleaning, and as he prepared to go out the first day he presented his wife with a little silver bell. He explained, ‘There is really nothing to worry about. I'm not going to be very far away. If you have any trouble at all, just ring this bell, and I'll come right back.' He kissed her goodbye and disappeared into the jungle. 

"Five minutes later he heard the bell ring. He dashed back to camp and found his wife seated quite comfortably with a tall cool drink in her hand. He asked what had happened, and she said that she had begun to worry whether he would really be able to hear the bell. She just wanted to try it out. He was patient and explained again that he would be able to hear it. She was not to ring it unless there was a genuine emergency. 

"With that he went back to hunting, but five minutes later he heard the bell. When he got back the second time, his wife explained that she had begun to worry whether she'd really be able to reach the bell. She was simply moving it closer, and in the process dropped it. Now he was really annoyed. He explained how much the safari was costing, how he had looked forward to bagging a trophy, and how he really didn't appreciate running back and forth to camp. He didn't want to hear that bell again unless she was in real trouble. 

"With that he left for a third time, but five minutes later the bell rang. When he got back to camp, everything was in a shambles. Camp stools were overturned, the tent was torn down, and in the midst of all the debris, he saw his wife's body; half a dozen poison arrows protruding from it, and the little silver bell clutched tightly in her hand. He surveyed the scene and then said, ‘Now that's more like it!'" (Barry Boulware, "The Best of All") 

Something like that happened with the friends of Jesus. They were confused. The bell was ringing, the signals were coming. It was obvious Jesus had power. But what was the SOURCE of his power? 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc. , ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc. , by Maxie Dunnam