The Authority to Effect Change
Mark 1:21-28
by James W. Moore

Have you heard the story about the bride who was extremely nervous on her wedding day?

She confided to her minister that she was not sure she could make it all the way down the aisle without shaking or crying. So the minister, a seasoned veteran of weddings, gave her a bit of advice.

"When you begin your walk," he said, "just remember this three-point formula: First, look straight down the aisle; second, when you get about half-way, look straight up at the altar; and third, when you get near the front of the church, look straight at your groom. First the aisle, then the altar, then him. I think this will help relieve your nervousness."

The trembling bride agreed to try his advice. And it worked beautifully. She walked with a radiant glow on her face and poise and confidence in her step, with no sign of nervousness. However, there was on small problem. Imagine the surprise of the congregation as they heard her rhythmically repeating three words over and over s she preformed her bridal walk, "Aisle, altar, him!"

"Aisle, altar, him!" Well, the truth is, most brides don't have a lot of luck in altering their husbands. But the good news of the Christian faith is that God can alter us!

Some Things Are to Good Not To Be True, by James W. Moore