The Age of Efficiency
Mark 1:29-39
by Dan Matthews

We have called this the information age but I would give it a different name. I would call us the age of efficiency. We want every process streamlined - we want it efficient. The doctor's office doesn't what you checking in with the receptionist anymore, that is a time waster. Through the miracle of technology, they have streamlined the time wasting process of having you write your name. Now you walk up to a computer terminal and type your name, forget talking to a receptionist. They have efficiently eliminated all the time wasting human interaction of the past. The future of the world, our society, and technology all look headed toward increased efficiency.

We are in a time when we don't prize human interaction. We don't prize service, love, tenderness or sacrifice. We are a culture that has set our sights on the goal of absolute efficiency.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Dan Matthews