The Advocate of Truth
John 16:5-16
by Maurice A. Fetty

Well-known biblical scholar and translator, J. B. Phillips, has lamented that many Christians today are living on the spiritual capital of the past a spiritual capital that is rapidly being depleted. Says the Rev. Dr. Phillips, "Our society ... bears all the marks of a God-starved community. There is little real moral authority because no ultimate Authority is known or acknowledged. "As a result, says Dr. Phillips, many see little purpose in life. "Most ... hold on, without much reason or authority to the moral standards of what is commonly supposed to be the good life." Consequently, many of us become locked into a comfortable materialism and cozy agnosticism.  But that is not the way of the Spirit. It is the advocate of truth, willing to do its work with men and women open to it.

CSS Publishing Company, The Divine Advocacy, by Maurice A. Fetty