The 300th American
Mark 10:17-31

In 2006 America welcomed her 300 millionth citizen.  To put this in perspective, we hit the 100 million citizen mark around 1915.  Current estimates are that every eight seconds, a child is born in this country.  Every 47 seconds we gain an immigrant citizen.  We should each take a few moments this month to give thanks for the comfort we enjoy in this country that makes such amazing growth possible.  It is our privilege to be a place where people aspire to live, work, and raise families. 

In light of this week's Gospel reading, it is also a time to reflect on what our obligations are as individuals blessed with the ability to feed and clothe ourselves.  Many of us live in cities and towns which include neighbors who need help to make ends meet.  Are we doing everything we can to offer support where it is necessary?  What are our obligations to our own nation's poor and to the world's?  Are we living up to these obligations?

These are daunting questions and we can feel sympathy for the young rich ruler in Mark's Gospel, but we should remember that each of us has the power to make the world a better place, and multiplied by 300 million, that should be a powerful change indeed.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations