Thanksgiving Day
Matthew 6:25-34
by Andrew Daughters

It’s a very nice thing to be thank-full.When you’re full, thanks is easy to say. But what if you hadn’t a turkey to eat on this Thanksgiving day? What if there were no yams or potatoes, no fixings, cranberries and such. What if there were just barely a little, instead of so all-fired much? Would you then say your thanks to the Father who provided this bountiful earth,and gave us so great a share of it by accident only of birth? There are those in the African deserts and in Asia with little to eat. And in India, where there are millions to whom not being hungry’s a treat. When it comes down to real thanksgiving,remember that part of the word is that very important word, “giving,”not just being full of the bird. There are multitudes here on this planet who today will have nothing to eat, who have only a shack for their shelter, and nothing to wear on their feet. These poor ones of earth are our sisters and brothers, all loved by the Lord. And when we feed them, we feed Jesus. For that we have Jesus’ own word. So let’s have a real thanks giving and give out of thanks to the One who gave for our use his creation and for our salvation, his Son.

C.S.S. Publishing Company, A GOSPEL TREASURY, by Andrew Daughters