Take Up Your Cross
Mark 8:27-38

Eric Liddell, a devout Scottish Christian and Olympic champion had his story documented in the film Chariots of Fire. He was ready to forfeit an Olympic medal rather than to run on Sunday.  He eventually does run in the Olympics, in another race not scheduled for Sunday. God made me for running, he tells his sister. He made me fast. And when I run I feel pleasure. To give it up would be to hold God in contempt.

We feel like cheering as he crosses the tape and wins Olympic gold. After that, however, he gives up his Olympic career so that he can go to the mission field in China. So committed was he to Christ that he gave up athletic glory and ultimately his life, as he is killed at the hands of the Japanese in World War II. He was utterly committed.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations