Take My Heart, Lord (blow)
Matthew 22:15-22
by King Duncan

There is a silly story going around that makes a powerful point about where many of us are right now. According to the story, Pope John Paul II needed a heart transplant. There was much concern throughout the Roman Catholic world. Everyone gathered outside of the Vatican screaming and waving their hands. "Take my heart, Pope, take my heart!"

Well, the Pope didn't know what to do, so an idea popped into his head. He asked everyone to please be quiet for a few minutes and he told all of them that he was going to throw down a feather. Whoever the feather landed on, he would take their heart for the transplant. Pope John Paul II then threw the feather down upon the people. Everyone was still screaming and waving their hands, but with one difference: they were leaning their heads back and saying, "Take my heart, Pope (now blow in the air), Take my heart (blow)."

I suspect that is where many of us are. We are willing to give a few tokens to God. But our bodies? Our brains? Our hearts? "Take my heart, Lord." (blow)

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan