Stumbling in the Dark
by Tony Damato

When my family and I went to Disney World, we went through the cave on Tom Sawyer’s Island. The darkness in this cave was so deep that there was nothing for your eyes to adjust to. As you walked you had to listen for the person in front of you so you wouldn’t bump into him. I did bump into the next person and so waited a while for him to go forward. And after a few minutes realized that he had moved on already and I had been waiting for so long for nothing. The light when you finally came out of the cave was welcome and brilliant.

But many people today are like a person walking in the darkness, stumbling along, bumping into things and afraid to step.

But we have a light to light our way and guide us. Psalm 119:105 says: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Tony Damato