J. O. Sanders offers this summary of the strategies of Satan:
Strategies of Satan with unbelievers:
- blinding the minds of the unregenerate (2 Cor. 4:4).
- snatching away the good seed of the word (Matthew 13:19).
- lulling the unbeliever into a false sense of security (Luke 11:21).
- laying snares for the unwary (2 Timothy 2:25-26).
- masquerading as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:13-14).
- deceiving those whose minds are not subject to the Word of truth (Rev 12:9).
- mixing truth with error (Matthew 13:25-8).
Strategies of Satan with believers:
- annihilate the church or neutralize its witness from within (Acts 5:1-6).
- virulent persecution from without.
- smother its witness by according it great popularity.
- disturb the unity of the church by creating discord and division
- subversion of the church through apostasy and heresy (2 Peter 2:1-2).
Chicago: Moody Press, Satan is No Myth, by J.O. Sanders