Strategies of Satan
by J.O. Sanders

J. O. Sanders offers this summary of the strategies of Satan:

Strategies of Satan with unbelievers:

  1. blinding the minds of the unregenerate (2 Cor. 4:4).
  2. snatching away the good seed of the word (Matthew 13:19).
  3. lulling the unbeliever into a false sense of security (Luke 11:21).
  4. laying snares for the unwary (2 Timothy 2:25-26).
  5. masquerading as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:13-14).
  6. deceiving those whose minds are not subject to the Word of truth (Rev 12:9).
  7. mixing truth with error (Matthew 13:25-8).

Strategies of Satan with believers:

  1. annihilate the church or neutralize its witness from within (Acts 5:1-6).
  2. virulent persecution from without.
  3. smother its witness by according it great popularity.
  4. disturb the unity of the church by creating discord and division
  5. subversion of the church through apostasy and heresy (2 Peter 2:1-2).
Chicago: Moody Press, Satan is No Myth, by J.O. Sanders