Staying in Touch
John 15:1-8 
by Joel Leyrer

Across the country grade schools, high schools and colleges are or soon will be holding their graduation ceremonies. For the graduates this is oftentimes a bittersweet occasion. What makes it a time of mixed emotions is not the accomplishment of finishing school, but the recognition that soon many of their friends will be going separate ways. And so some of the final conversations that classmates will have with each other or will put in each other's yearbooks is the desire to stay in touch, to stay connected. Because if friendships are going to last or grow stronger or develop more deeply, people have to stay connected with each other.

Jesus Christ is the best friend of every person in this world. As Christians, we know this. But like any friendship, it is a relationship that has to be cultivated. When it is, great blessings follow. If it is not, the friendship, the connection, the joy of knowing that He is genuinely interested and involved in our life can grow distant or even be lost completely.

Today Jesus talks to us about these things. He provides us with an illustration of the importance and blessing of staying connected.

Connected to Christ , by Joel Leyrer