Spiritual Awareness
Matthew 13:9
by Staff

An urbane legend tells a story of an American Indian was in downtown New York, walking with his friend who lived in New York City.  Suddenly he said, "I hear a cricket."

"Oh, you're crazy," his friend replied.

"No, I hear a cricket. I do! I'm sure of it."

"It's the noon hour.  There are people bustling around, cars honking, taxis squealing, noises from the city. I'm sure you can't hear it."

"I'm sure I do."  He listened attentively and the walked to the corner, across the street, and looked all around.  Finally on the corner he found a shrub in a large cement planter.  He dug beneath the leaves and found a cricket.  His friend was astounded.  But the Cherokee said, "No. My ears are no different than yours.  It simply depends on what you are listening to. Here let me show you."  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of change-a few quarters, some nickels, and pennies.  And he dropped it on the concrete. Several people around them stopped and turned toward the fallen coins. "You see what I mean?" he said as he began picking up his coins. "It all depends on what you are listening for."

Not only must Christians have "ears to hear," but they must learn what to listen for.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc, by Staff