Song of Bethlehem
by Melva Rorem

I was a shepherd on that star-filled night
In Bethlehem. I thought of long ago ...
I thought of brave Naomi taking flight
From Moab's land, of Ruth who chose to know

A stranger's lot—a royal daughter, she.
"Entreat me not to leave thee," she had said,
"Thy people shall be mine—so let it be."
Humbly she gleaned the fields, and there she wed

Boaz, and there she bore him a son.
And from this line came David. In these hills
He roamed and played, and fought at last and won.
Ah, memories-my heart with rapture fills

For here of David's family Christ was born
And alleluias rang from night till morn!

Yes, I, a shepherd on that holy night
In Bethlehem, saw the bright, whirling star
Shatter the darkness like a shaft of light,
Shedding great gleams of glory from afar.

With fright, yet filled with dreams, I heard the song
"Come, find the Child." Joy overflowed the brim
Until I found I could not go along.
I sent instead a lamb to welcome Him.

Though mine shall be a humble walk for long,
I shall not sorrow, for I saw the Light,
And I shall hear the glory of the song-
My days shall always mark that one great height.

They told me that the blessed mother smiled,
And that she placed my lamb beside the Child.
Ah, Bethlehem, my home, my house of bread,
Here let my body and my soul be fed!

Keyword: Christmas
by Melva Rorem