Sometimes You Have To Stay Under the Fig Tree
John 1:43-51
by Brett Blair

There are all kinds of Nathaniels in this world sitting under fig trees waiting to be called. Martin Luther King had been called and was prepared to lead but it was not he who began the civil rights movement. It was a woman. Like Nathaniel she was found sitting when she heard the call not under a fig tree but on a city bus. Rosa Parks, a seamstress by trade. She heard the call when she was told," You have to move to the back of the bus."

When Andrew found Nathaniel under that fig tree he was there because he was tired and it was hot. He was escaping the heat of the day. But, he got up and he went to see this Jesus. But sometimes you have to stay under the fig tree to answer the call. You have to stand your ground and keep your seat. "No, my feet are tired, and I'm not going to move," she said. And with that Rosa Parks set off the Civil Rights movement.

How about you? What is your calling?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair