Someone Is Always Waiting
Luke 24:13-35
by Eric Ritz

There is a story about a young boy who had to travel cross country by train from Los Angeles to Philadelphia to see his grandparents once a year. He had completed his stay with his grandparents and was ready to return home to Philadelphia. He safely boarded the train and began the long trip home. While on the train, a business executive asked him if he was afraid to take the long trip by himself. The little boy boldly declared, "No, I am not, because I know my father will be there to meet me."

Our God is not some unconcerned deity, but a loving father who has promised to never leave us or forsake us. No matter where we travel in our faith journey, we will never go beyond the reach of our father's loving hand.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Illustrations, by Eric Ritz