Someday God Will Come
Mark 13:24-37
by King Duncan

In her book, Out of Africa, Isak Dinesen tells about her cook, a Kenyan named Kamante. She says that one night, after midnight, Kamante suddenly walked into her bedroom with a hurricane-lamp in his hand. He spoke to her very solemnly, "I think that you had better get up. I think that God is coming."

Isak Dinesen says that when she heard this, she did get up, and asked why he thought so. He gravely led her into the dining room which looked west, toward the hills. Through her windows she saw a strange phenomenon. There was a big grass-fire going on out in the hills. The grass was burning all the way from the hill-top to the plain. When seen from the house, she says, it made nearly a vertical line. It did indeed look as if some gigantic figure was moving and coming toward them. She stood for some time and looked at it, with Kamante watching by her side. Then she began to explain to him what was happening. But the explanation didn't seem to make much impression on him. She says he clearly took his mission to have been fulfilled when he had called her to warn her.

"Well yes," he said, "it may be so. But I thought that you had better get up in case it was God coming."

Well, someday God will come. We don't know when. But of even more relevance to each of us, there will come a time when God will come for us personally. Maybe you would like to know when that time will be. Most of us, I suspect, would rather not know. It would be too heavy a burden to bear. We would prefer to leave such things to God.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan