Some Pentecost Thoughts
Acts 2:1-41
by Bruce D. Prewer

As I see it, the Holy Spirit is graciously and unobtrusively busy all over the place. The quiet Helper. The unpretentious Friend. The Helper is quietly at work:

  • in the sincere concern of a friend for our health,
  • in the grace of folk who go the second mile,
  • in the inner resources we discover in times of crisis,
  • in those who dare to go against the tide of popular opinion,
  • in the grace that enables us to admit when we are wrong,
  • in the resilience of people who fight for the rights of others,
  • in times when we share the Gospel in spite of our inadequacy,
  • in finding joy in unexpected places,
  • in taking on responsibilities that we once thought beyond us,
  • in refusing to let the greed of society take over our soul,
  • in giving thanks always, even through the hard times of life,
  • in rising above past failures and putting past hurts behind us.
  • in finding a central core of peace in the midst of turmoil,
  • in daring to laugh in situations where some would curse,
  • in knowing ourselves to be children of God,
  • in knowing ourselves loved, even when we have been very unlovable.
Some Pentecost Thoughts, by Bruce D. Prewer