Six Stages of Moral Conduct
by Staff

Dr. Lawrence Kohlberg, a Harvard psychologist, has pinpointed six plateaus of moral development. Let's venture a guess as to where our society is currently located.

  • Stage one: obedience and punishment. Right is what authorities command. The underlying motive is fear of punishment, not respect for authority or values.
  • Stage two: back-scratching. When people begin to seek a return for their favors. It's the "I'll-do-for-you-but-only-if- you-reciprocate" mentality. Kohlberg terms it "the morality of the marketplace."
  • Stage three: conformity. Good behavior is that which pleases or helps others, and is approved by them. The evaluations and expectations of peers are particularly strong.
  • Stage four: law-and-order. What is right is doing one's duty, showing respect for authority and maintaining the given social order. What the law commands transcends all other considerations.
  • Stage five: social contract. Right is defined in terms of the general rights of individuals, as agreed upon by the whole society (e.g., U.S. Constitution).
  • Stage six: universal principles. Morality is based on decisions of conscience made in accordance with self-chosen principles of "right" principles which are universal and consistent.
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Illustrations from ChristianGlobe, by Staff