Sickness Rearranges Priorities
Luke 13:10-17
by Brett Blair

In 1971, in Plano Texas, a woman by the name of Linda gave birth to a boy she named Lance. She did what many mother's do with boys. She molded his temperament by involving him in a variety of sports. He soon showed an aptitude as an athlete and by the age of 13 his skills were confirmed when he won the Iron Kids Triathlon—a combination of swimming, biking and running. Three years later at the tender age of 16 he became a professional triathlon athlete. When most children were trying to compete at their local high schools, and entering armature competitions, Linda's boy was making money as an athlete.

He worked hard and sometimes his training would take him to the edge of the state to the Oklahoma border where he would call his mom. Mom, he would say, I've gotten too far out again and the sun is setting. Can you come get me? And off she would go riding under the darkening big skies of Texas to pick up her boy in the family car. It was now becoming obvious that he was not going to be a triathlon athlete. In one of the three skills of the triathlon he was excelling, excelling beyond the skills of men twice his age and experience. At the age of 18 he qualified to train with the U.S. Olympic team in Colorado Springs, Colorado. His behavior nearly cost him his high school diploma but private classes were arranged which enabled him to graduate. He continued to excel in his chosen sport gaining recognition around the world and then it happened. News which brought his career to a climatic end – or so it seemed at the time.

In 1996, in the middle of a race, excruciating pains forced him to quit. Test revealed advanced testicular cancer which had spread to his lungs and brain. The once athletic and vibrant young man underwent three operations and began the most aggressive form of chemotherapy. Now, his career was the least of his worries. Doctors said he had 50/50 chance and the cancer left him scarred physically and emotionally. He said, the ailment completely changed his life and his priorities. Sickness, real sickness, rearranges life.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair