She Needs It the Most
Luke 16:19-31
by Thomas C. Short

A man went to visit in a home where there were several children, and, trying to relate to the kids, he asked one of the girls about her doll collection. "Which is your favorite doll?" he asked. "Promise not to laugh if I tell you?" she questioned. He promised not to laugh, and the little girl got up, went into another room, and brought back a worn-out, tattered doll that looked like a refugee from the trash pile. There was a crack in the arm, a missing nose, marks all over the body and a bald head. The man did not laugh, but unable to hide his surprise, he asked, "Why do you love this one the most?" She replied, "Because she needs it most. If I didn't love her, nobody would."

In the attitude of this young girl we see a part of the secret in this parable. God is in the lives of those who cry out to us for our love and compassion. These signs, signals and revelations are all around us; we can't miss them unless we choose to miss them.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Preaching to the Multitudes, by Thomas C. Short