Edgar Dale, Professor of Education at Ohio State University, tells a delightful story in Childhood Education magazine. A Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania teacher was having the members of her class tell what they were going to become when they grew up. Most of the class had answered. Some had said they were going to be doctors-nurses-teachers-farmers-all of them specific vocations which the youngsters had chosen. They were about to finish the report when the superintendent of the school dropped in to observe. The teacher was upset. About the only fellow left to answer was little Johnny, on the back row. Johnny wasn't the brightest in the class and the teacher figured he probably would say something very unexciting and maybe even stupid. In fact, she almost decided not to ask him at all. But to be fair, she put the question, "Johnny, tell us. What are you going to be?" Johnny replied, "When I grow up, I am going to lead a blind man."
Matthew 23:1-12
Matthew 23:1-12
by Melvin E. Wheatly
by Melvin E. Wheatly
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Going His Way, by Melvin E. Wheatly