Service Is the Way to Honor
Matthew 20:27
by Jon L. Joyce

Once a clergyman wrote an article for a magazine that attracted considerable attention. It was titled "Why I Do Not Want My Son to Become a Minister." In the article he stressed how many are the demands made upon a minister and stated that he wanted his son spared these irritating requests for help. Another minister commended that the title of the article should have been "Why I Want My Son to be Ministered Unto, Not to Minister." In the Scriptures Christ himself is pictured as a servant. He stated, furthermore, that the degree to which his followers would be honored by the heavenly Father depended on how much they, too, were committed to being servants of the Lord. In John Wolman’s Diary we read how that great man was severely disturbed on a visit to the various societies of Friends in North Carolina. The cause of his distress was the constant entry in the minutes of their meetings of the phrase: "No business that required entry." This moved him to comment, "In God’s name, why was there not some business that required entry and strong action? With the sin of slavery and its cruelties all around them, and the sin of war impending, how could they say, ‘No business that required entry’?" For the Christian, the business of service in Christ’s name is always at hand.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, His Hands, by Jon L. Joyce