Sermon Opener or Ender for Pentecost
Acts 2:1-21
by Rick Kirchoff

Welcome to Pentecost in the 2020s!

It is a time to open up to the mind-blowing, heart-warming, life-changing power of God.

The power of God can invade the body, inflate the mind, swell the soul, lift the Spirit and make us more than we ever imagined.

It'll make you young when you're old, and it'll make you live even when you die.

The power and presence of the Spirit will disturb, delight, deliver and lift.

When God sends forth the Spirit, "the whole face of the earth is renewed."

When God sends forth the Spirit chaos is changed into creation the Red Sea opens up to a highway of freedom.

When God sends forth the Spirit:

A young woman says "Yes". Jesus is born and life is never the same.

When God sends forth the Spirit amazing things happen:

[Ask the congregation to join you by repeating the following]

barriers are broken,
communities are formed,
opposites are reconciled,
unity is established,
disease is cured,
addiction is broken,
cities are renewed,
races are reconciled,
hope is established,
people are blessed,
and church happens.

Today the Spirit of God is present and we're gonna' have church. So be ready, get ready...God is up to something...

[Read these yourself with no response]

discouraged folks cheer up,
dishonest folks 'fees up,
sour folks sweeten up,
closed folk, open up,
gossipers shut up,
conflicted folks make up,
sleeping folks wake up,
lukewarm folk, fire up,
dry bones shake up,
and pew potatoes stand up!

But most of all, Christ the Savior of all the world is lifted up.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Rick Kirchoff